News Changing component execution order with KrakenD Workflows

KrakenD Changelog

List of the most relevant changes between releases

  • Bugfix
  • Deprecation
  • Feature
  • Security
  • Upgrade

Enterprise Edition v2.9 (released 2025-02-07, updated 2025-02-20)

  • The sequential proxy can now propagate parameters or the entire body response of previous calls. It has also been reworked to improve its performance.

  • Added a new plugin generator command krakend plugin init that generates all the boilerplate necessary to work with plugins

  • Support for Redis Clusters in the Redis Service Rate Limit

  • Added an LRU Cache with max_size and max_items attributes.

  • The linter can work now offline with --lint-no-network or can use a custom schema with --lint-schema

  • Lua functions now include a headerList helper to set headers with multiple values.

  • Lua function http_response has been added to the modifier/lua-endpoint add more flexibility.

  • Lua’s debug.dump() function can now dump a native http_response object.

  • The plugin content-replacer is now implemented as a native component modifier/response-body with more features

  • The plugin response-schema-validator is now implemented as a native component validation/response-json-schema

  • WebSockets direct connection supports now header propagation.

  • WebSockets supports now binary WS transparently and allows custom subprotocols (e.g., Streamlit support).

  • The audit command has added new rules.

  • In the gRPC client when one of the inputs for a well known type of Timestamp or Duration is a string instead of fields, you can treat the string as a RFC3339 time value for Timestamp, or a duration string.

  • Added support for insecure HTTP connections on OpenTelemetry (as opposed to only HTTPS)

  • New attribute input_assume_bytes in the gRPC client.

  • Fix message type presence on gRPC

  • Corrected OpenTelemetry bug where the value of router errors was always 404 even if it was a 405

  • The attribute use_h2c under the router entry was deprecated in previous versions and has been removed. Place it at the root level instead.

  • The parameter connection_pool in the Redis rate limit configuration has been renamed to connection_name to support the addition of Redis clusters. The old parameter will be removed in future versions.

  • The plugin response-schema-validator has been deprecated and replaced by the native component validation/response-json-schema (See migration notes). The old plugin will be removed in future versions.

  • The plugin content-replacer has been deprecated and replaced by the native component modifier/response-body (See migration notes). The old plugin will be removed in future versions.

  • The public_key and private_key fields in the tls configuration were deprecated in the previous version and have been removed. Migrate to the newer syntax

  • The commands krakend generate openapi and krakend generate from openapi were deprecated on 2.3 and have been removed. Please use the command krakend openapi instead.

  • The commands krakend check-plugin and krakend test-plugin are deprecated and will be removed. Please rename them to krakend plugin check and krakend plugin test, no functionality changes.

  • Upgraded go to 1.22.12

  • Upgrade Docker image base to Alpine 3.21

v2.9.1 (released 2025-02-20)

Minor OpenTelemetry, gRPC and logging bugfixing

  • OpenTelemetry’s OTLP exporter fixed to parse plain (insecure) HTTP connections

  • gRPC: Well known types were set to zero value when null

  • Logging: Scheme and Host were not properly logged when using a custom definition

Community Edition v2.9 (released 2025-01-20, updated 2025-01-21)

Propagate parameters in the sequential proxy, new YAML encoding, offline linter, and more.

  • The sequential proxy can now propagate parameters or the entire body response of previous calls. It has also been reworked to improve its performance.

  • Added a new type of encoding to work natively with backend responses in YAML format

  • The linter can work now offline with --lint-no-network or can use a custom schema with --lint-schema

  • Lua - The function to set headers is able to destroy headers when passing a nil value.

  • Lua functions now include a headerList helper to set headers with multiple values.

  • Corrected OpenTelemetry bug where the value of router errors was always 404 even if it was a 405

  • Upgraded go to 1.22.11 fixing CVE-2024-45336, CVE-2024-45341, and CVE-2024-45337.

  • Upgrade Docker image base to Alpine 3.21

Commit changelog

v2.9.1 (released 2025-01-21)

OpenTelemetry fix for traces

  • OpenTelemetry panic when reporting backend traces when these were disabled

Enterprise Edition v2.8 (released 2024-12-17, updated 2025-01-21)

Configurable access log, all Rate Limits supporting Redis, improvements on Postman and OpenAPI, new Lua features, and more.

  • Configurable access log field by field

  • All rate limits support now a stateful option persisted on Redis: service, endpoints and tiered rate limits.

  • New Grafana Dashboard to monitor Redis Pool Connections

  • Postman collections can now add folders, group endpoints, descriptions, and a much richer generation

  • The gRPC server supports now introspection, so clients no longer need to have Protobuf files locally.

  • The new Lua Advanced Helpers add JSON, CSV, YML, XML, time, base64, and hashing functions with a native implementation in Go.

  • Added a YAML encoding to read backend responses, but also to return content in YAML no matter the origin

  • Add a rename header function to the modifier/response-headers

  • The OpenAPI generation is now richer and more customizable thanks to multiple new parameters under param_definition, header_definition, and query_definition, like adding enum, hide, or type.

  • The Moesif integration adds a metadata attribute to send custom metadata with events.

  • Lua - The custom_error function accepts now a third parameter to pass the content-type

  • Lua - The function to set headers is able to destroy headers when passing a nil value.

  • Lua - Added an error log decorator to show the line and file where an error raised

  • Lua - Added the keyExists helper to check luaTable types.

  • OpenTelemetry has now the ability to override configuration at endpoint and backend level

  • Upgraded Go to 1.22.10 (No security isses associated to the previous version so far)

  • Lua - Conversion from tables to arrays instead of maps when tables have all indexes numeric

  • OpenTelemetry - Several fixes on configuration overrides and multiErrors

  • The check-plugin command included an unnecessary go prefix before the version.

  • OpenAPI: Endpoint parameters are marked as always mandatory

  • The letgoapp/influx namespace, which was available for historical reasons, has been removed from the configuration schema. Rename it to telemetry/influx for a quick fix (which is also deprecated), or upgrade to OpenTelemetry for a long-term solution.

  • The redis-ratelimit based on the plugin/http-server has transitioned to the new native Redis Service Rate Limit

v2.8.3 (released 2025-01-21)

OpenTelemetry fix for traces

  • OpenTelemetry panic when reporting backend traces when these were disabled

v2.8.2 (released 2025-01-20)

Security and Lua fixes

  • Lua - The function to set headers is able to destroy headers when passing a nil value.

  • Lua functions now include a headerList helper to set headers with multiple values.

  • Corrected OpenTelemetry bug where the value of router errors was always 404 even if it was a 405

  • Upgraded go to 1.22.11 fixing CVE-2024-45336, CVE-2024-45341, and CVE-2024-45337.

  • Upgrade Docker image base to Alpine 3.21

v2.8.1 (released 2025-01-13)

Upgraded OpenTelemetry to support newest naming conventions and OpenAPI bugfixing

  • OpenAPI fields for enums contained an incorrect double nested array

  • OpenAPI request body example was missing in the generation

  • OpenTelemetry now supports the newer naming convention through the flag semantic_convention to offer compatibility with any SaaS provider.

  • OpenTelemetry now can override the global static attributes per endpoint.

  • Lua functions now include a headerList helper to set headers with multiple values.

  • OpenTelemetry now introduces a histograms attribute to configure the desired level of granularity of the metrics.

  • Updated the x/net library to unflag the vulnerability CVE-2024-45338 from scanner, even it does not affect KrakenD.

Community Edition v2.8 (released 2024-12-03)

Improvements on Lua scripts and added OTEL override capabilities

  • Added a new type of encoding to return content in YAML no matter the origin

  • OpenTelemetry has now the ability to override configuration at endpoint and backend level

  • Lua - Added an error log decorator to show the line and file where an error raised

  • Lua - Added method keyExists helper to check luaTable types.

  • Lua - The custom_errorfunction accepts now a third parameter to pass the content-type

  • Lua - Conversion from tables to arrays instead of maps when tables have all indexes numeric

  • OpenTelemetry - Several fixes on configuration overrides and multiErrors

  • The letgoapp/influx namespace, which was available for historical reasons, has been removed from the configuration schema. Rename it to telemetry/influx for a quick fix (which is also deprecated), or upgrade to OpenTelemetry for a long-term solution.

Commit changelog

Enterprise Edition v2.7 (released 2024-08-14, updated 2024-11-07)

Worfklows, Tier Rate Limits, Direct WebSockets, Service-level header response modifiers and more.

v2.7.6 (released 2024-11-07)

Minor fix on WebSockets OpenTelemetry

  • Remove OpenTelemetry errors on WebSockets endpoints that do not configure OpenTelemetry

  • Upgraded Go to 1.22.9 (No security isses associated to the previous version)

v2.7.5 (released 2024-11-05)

Several minor fixes on OpenAPI, OpenTelemetry, gRPC, and Security Policies

  • gRPC: A non-OK status could be incorrectly considered as a connection error

  • OpenTelemetry: Avoid double reporting the proxy layer

  • OpenAPI: a path parameter with a description, in some cases, changed the parameter to not required.

  • Security Policies: The auto_join_policies did not work properly with a single policy

v2.7.4 (released 2024-10-18)

Fixed a race condition when closing gRPC connections

  • Fixed a race condition when closing gRPC connections

v2.7.3 (released 2024-10-09)

Improvement of Service Discovery, gRPC connections and bugfixing

  • gRPC connections are now shared between backends if they have the same host and TLS configuration. This translates into a performance and resources improvement.

  • Added a new gRPC flag read_buffer_size to allow customization of the gRPC read buffer.

  • The Service Discovery system accepts now a value dns-shared to share the DNS resolution between backends using the same host.

  • Upgraded Go to 1.22.8 (No security isses associated to the previous version)

  • Fix memory management of gRPC connections

v2.7.2 (released 2024-09-23)

Fixes for Lua access to errors and memory leak on errored gRPC connections

  • The Lua getter function now transparently returns a table (Lua’s native data structure) when it detects that the accessed data is an error object.

  • Fix a memory leak when gRPC connections failed and retry logic was triggered

v2.7.1 (released 2024-09-10)

Minor security fixes and JWK caching

  • Updated the JOSE library to unflag the vulnerability CVE-2024-28180 from scanner, even it does not affect KrakenD.

  • The gocloud library has been updated to a higher version (includes minor security fixes for PubSub, Secrets, Azure and AWS integrations)

  • OpenTelemetry libraries updated

  • Go language updated to v1.22.7

  • The check plugin command printed unnecessarily the help command

  • Prevent a failing Identity Provider to be queried constantly by introducing the property failed_jwk_key_cooldown

  • OpenAPI was generating incorrect URL patterns with placeholders by decoding its special chars

  • OpenAPI did not accept keys with dots in the schemas

  • OpenAPI did not have dynamic routing into account and required to manually declare input_headers and input_query_strings, which are now automatic

  • Tiered rate limit durations were incorrectly parsed

  • Inheritance in the extended flexible configuration didn’t allow special chars

Community Edition v2.7 (released 2024-07-18, updated 2024-09-23)

Improved memory consumption of endpoint rate limit and added new security options to TLS, CORS, and HTTPSecurity.

Commit changelog

v2.7.2 (released 2024-09-23)

Fixe for Lua access to errors

  • The Lua getter function now transparently returns a table (Lua’s native data structure) when it detects that the accessed data is an error object.

v2.7.1 (released 2024-09-10)

Minor security fixes and JWK caching

  • Updated the JOSE library to unflag the vulnerability CVE-2024-28180 from scanner, even it does not affect KrakenD.

  • The gocloud library has been updated to a higher version (includes minor security fixes for PubSub, Secrets, Azure and AWS integrations)

  • OpenTelemetry libraries updated

  • Go language updated to v1.22.7

  • The check plugin command printed unnecessarily the help command

  • Prevent a failing Identity Provider to be queried constantly by introducing the property failed_jwk_key_cooldown

Enterprise Edition v2.6 (released 2024-04-18, updated 2024-07-11)

OpenTelemetry integration, extended plugin capabilities, updated Grafana Dashboard, and JWT fixes.

  • New binary available with cryptographic module and testing requirements as per FIPS-140

  • Dynamic routing based on host

  • Added the OpenTelemetry integration which will eventually replace the previous OpenCensus component.

  • The new command krakend test-plugin tests if one or more given .so files are loadable into KrakenD as the selected plugin type.

  • New Grafana dashboard available for Prometheus via OpenTelemetry

  • Direct OpenTelemetry authentication against SaaS providers to avoid installing collectors.

  • New gRPC server, allowing you to serve gRPC even if you don’t have gPRC backends internally.

  • The Moesif integration allows you to set a security policy using should_skip to save traffic. It also allows now accessing nested claims to identify users and companies.

  • More OpenAPI metadata options: Set an operation_id, and describe query string paramters and tags with query_definition and tag_definition

  • The license file can now live in a different path passing the env var KRAKEND_LICENSE_PATH or setting the flag --license.

  • Virtualhosts accept now aliased_hosts which allows you to create alias to reuse in the endpoint definition.

  • Backend logs like [BACKEND: /foo] have mutated now to [BACKEND: GET /endpoint/{var} -> /foo] showing their relationship with the endpoint.

  • All plugins have now the KrakenD context, allowing you to perform operations during shutdown

  • Request and response modifier plugins have now access to the HTTP context. Reponse modifiers have also access to the internal request, knowing low-level details like which backend was selected.

  • The JWT Validator adds a new field auth_header_name to read tokens from custom headers

  • The JWT validator can read now scopes in array format in addition to the space-separated list

  • The JWT signer returns now the typ

  • The audit command includes new validations and security recommendations, and fixes a false positive on the sequential rule.

  • New flags max_payload and decompress_gzip to limit the maximum size in bytes of requests and Gzipped content after decompression.

  • Fixed hostname reporting on Logstash

  • Fixed a bug that prevented having multiple backends using Async Agents.

  • Force HTTP1.1 over NTLM as IIS doesn’t support NTLM/Kerberos over HTTP2.

  • Catchall endpoints to handle non-GET traffic.

  • Removed from schema previosuly deprecated fields allow_insecure_connections in the root. Must be declared under client_tls.allow_insecure_connections now.

  • Removed from schema previously deprecated prefetch_size and prefetch_count attributes from AMQP. These attributes did not have any effect in the software.

  • The telemetry exporters based in telemetry/opencensus, although they are still available, won’t receive further updates and will be deprecated in the future. All efforts are focused on OpenTelemetry instead.

  • The telemetry exporter telemetry/influx is still available, but won’t receive further updates and will be deprecated in the future. All efforts are focused on OpenTelemetry instead.

v2.6.4 (released 2024-07-11)

Minor fixes on OpenTelemetry and CVE mitigations

v2.6.3 (released 2024-05-16)

Minor fixes on OpenTelemetry and OpenAPI generation

  • OpenAPI generator did not take a customized LICENSE path

  • OpenAPI generation of endpoints without method was skipped

  • OpenTelemetry not respecting skip_paths on the global layer

  • OpenTelemetry panics on nil interfaces

  • OpenTelemetry logs improved

v2.6.2 (released 2024-05-09)

Duplicated query strings on catchall endpoints

  • The /__catchall endpoint duplicated query strings when contacting the backend

  • Avoid panics on opentelemetry components during startup when settings are partially configured

  • Updated Go to 1.22.3 which fixes CVE-2024-24788 (Severity pending to classify)

v2.6.1 (released 2024-04-22)

Minor fixes on OpenAPI documentation generation

  • Prevent headers declared under input_headers to be removed from the OpenAPI documentation

  • Description field under query_definition wasn’t populated into the documentation

Community Edition v2.6 (released 2024-03-11, updated 2024-05-16)

OpenTelemetry integration, extended plugin capabilities, updated Grafana Dashboard, and JWT fixes.

  • Added the OpenTelemetry integration which will eventually replace the previous OpenCensus component.

  • The new command krakend test-plugin tests if one or more given .so files are loadable into KrakenD as the selected plugin type.

  • New Grafana dashboard available for Prometheus via OpenTelemetry

  • Backend logs like [BACKEND: /foo] have mutated now to [BACKEND: GET /endpoint/{var} -> /foo] showing their relationship with the endpoint.

  • All plugins have now the KrakenD context, allowing you to perform operations during shutdown

  • Request and response modifier plugins have now access to the HTTP context. Reponse modifiers have also access to the internal request, knowing low-level details like which backend was selected.

  • The JWT Validator adds a new field auth_header_name to read tokens from custom headers (thanks to @rodion-goritskov)

  • The JWT validator can read now scopes in array format in addition to the space-separated list (thanks to @pirm-in)

  • The JWT signer returns now the typ (thanks to @AlyHKafoury)

  • The audit command includes new validations and security recommendations, and fixes a false positive on the sequential rule.

  • Fixed hostname reporting on Logstash (thanks to @lxdraw)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented having multiple backends using Async Agents

  • Removed from schema previosuly deprecated fields allow_insecure_connections in the root. Must be declared under client_tls.allow_insecure_connections now.

  • Removed from schema previously deprecated prefetch_size and prefetch_count attributes from AMQP. These attributes did not have any effect in the software.

  • The telemetry exporters based in telemetry/opencensus, although they are still available, won’t receive further updates and will be deprecated in the future. All efforts are focused on OpenTelemetry instead.

  • The telemetry exporter telemetry/influx is still available, but won’t receive further updates and will be deprecated in the future. All efforts are focused on OpenTelemetry instead.

Commit changelog

v2.6.3 (released 2024-05-16)

Minor fixes on OpenTelemetry

  • OpenTelemetry not respecting skip_paths on the global layer

  • OpenTelemetry panics on nil interfaces

  • OpenTelemetry reported the service name in the root instead of the one declared in the property service_name

  • OpenTelemetry logs improved

  • Updated Go to 1.22.3 which fixes CVE-2024-24788 (Severity pending to classify)

v2.6.2 (released 2024-04-17)

Small improvements and minor fixes on JWT, OTEL and the Lura framework

  • Body not properly cloned with multiple backends with only one unsafe method

  • Fixed an OpenTelemetry panic on HTTP2

v2.6.1 (released 2024-04-09)

Small improvements and minor fixes on JWT, OTEL and the Lura framework

  • The JWT validation did not accept expired tokens by one second. In scenarios with desynchronized clocks the new field leeway allows you to extend a little bit that period.

  • Canonicalize the header name in JWT validation to don’t force the developer to do it manually.

  • OpenTelemetry includes now resource information into the metrics (thanks to @thinkingabouther)

  • OpenTelemetry includes now an option to report the service version, not only the service name (thanks to @adigiorgi-clickup)

  • Minor performance improvements on the Lura project

  • OpenTelemetry spans of type “kinds” fixed (thanks to @adigiorgi-clickup)

  • Async agent timeouts for pipes with several backends fixed

Enterprise Edition v2.5 (released 2023-11-21, updated 2024-01-10)

The v2.5 introduces API Monetization, allows multiple POSTS in and out sequential calls, adds a license command and listening to a specific IP, and improves Flexible Configuration, E2E tests, OpenAPI, and more.

  • Added the API Monetization feature (integration in partnership with Moesif)

  • Endpoints with multiple POSTs are now possible. The restriction to work with multiple unsafe methods is now removed.

  • The response body generator also has access to the request body using .req_body

  • New command license to check licenses in pipelines automatically

  • The End-to-End testing allows multiple calls in a single test case using next.

  • The Extended Flexible Configuration can work automatically now without any environment variables when you have a flexible_config.json file, accepts multiple partial dirs, adds a .meta variable in templates, and improves error logging and debugging

  • The OpenAPI generation allows you to define the request body using request_definition and also to declare component/schemas you can reuse in endpoints with the $ref attribute.

  • Added Mutual TLS from the gateway to your upstream services, both globally (all connections) or individually per backend

  • API keys declaration accepts now the hashing functions fnv128, sha256, and sha1.

  • The body request generator is now available at the endpoint level in addition to the backend. It also parses the query and path at a later stage to have the most up-to-date values.

  • The new field listen_ip can now restrict the service to listen to a specific IP.

  • Added new attribute static_routing_key on AMQP consumers (thanks to Georgios Chronis).

  • Added a second level of input_query_strings in the backend section.

  • The propagate_claims attribute for JWT claims now sets to blank those headers with missing values and does not allow the user to override via custom headers.

  • The gRPC can now use headers to construct the payload

  • The WebSockets load balancer now takes a random host when a previously established connection fails.

  • The Flexible Configuration and the --lint flag of check can work now in a single step

  • Your custom plugins (server and client) will now receive the Service Go Context, so you can cancel services started by the plugin when the gateway shuts down.

  • Identity servers returning Content-Type: application/jwk-set+json in their jwk_url are now accepted.

  • When defining a custom router section, the default settings for remote_ip_headers were reset.

  • The rate limit eviction was resetting on very large time settings

  • Fixed race conditions on global JWK URL keys cache

  • Requests with method OPTIONS (CORS module) with HTTP/2 without HTTP/1.1 Upgrade returned 405 status code instead of 204 when use_h2c flag was enabled (thanks to @anivanovic)

  • WebSocket race condition on concurrent writing

  • The flag router.use_h2c has moved to the root level as use_h2c, and its usage inside the router is marked as deprecated.

v2.5.3 (released 2024-01-10)

Security fix on the Go lang crypto package and API keys

  • The JWT company information was not correctly reported to the Moesif API (Monetization)

  • API Key-enabled endpoints without defining any roles validate now against any valid API key in the settings list

  • Upgraded libraries to remove the issue CVE-2023-48795. This issue does not affect KrakenD, but scanners flag the binary

v2.5.2 (released 2023-12-06)

Security fix on the net/httppackage. OpenAPI export command fixed.

  • Fix openapi export to not require the inclusion of a service extra_config

  • Introduced a fix to address CVE-2023-39326 net/http: limit chunked data overhead

v2.5.1 (released 2023-11-30)

WebSockets and OpenAPI export bugfixes.

  • Correct problem in concurrent writes in the same WebSockets connection

  • Make global OpenAPI configuration optional

  • Abort OpenAPI generation when a schema has errors for better CI/CD integration

Community Edition v2.5 (released 2023-11-09, updated 2024-01-22)

The v2.5 binary allows multiple POSTS in and out sequential calls, restricts service listening to a specific IP, and improves JWT and AMQP.

  • Endpoints with multiple POSTs are now possible. The restriction to work with multiple unsafe methods is now removed.

  • Added new attribute static_routing_key on AMQP consumers (thanks to Georgios Chronis).

  • The new field listen_ip can now restrict the service to listen to a specific IP.

  • You can now configure mTLS options globally to connect to your backends

  • Added a second level input_query_strings in the backend section.

  • The Flexible Configuration and the --lint flag of check can work now in a single step

  • Your custom plugins (server and client) will now receive the Service Go Context, so you can cancel services started by the plugin when the gateway shuts down.

  • Identity servers returning Content-Type: application/jwk-set+json in their jwk_url are now accepted

  • When definining a custom router section the default settings for remote_ip_headers were reset.

  • The rate limit eviction was resetting on very large time settings

  • Fixed race conditions on global JWK URL keys cache

  • Requests with method OPTIONS (CORS module) with HTTP/2 without HTTP/1.1 Upgrade returned 405 status code instead of 204 when use_h2c flag was enabled (thanks to @anivanovic)

  • The propagate_claims attribute for JWT claims sets now to blank those headers with missing values, and does not allow the user to override via custom headers.

  • The flag router.use_h2c has moved to the root level as use_h2c, and its usage inside the router is marked as deprecated.

Commit changelog

v2.5.1 (released 2024-01-22)

Security fix on the Go lang crypto package

  • Add parent endpoint info to backend logs

  • Upgraded Go lang version to 1.20.13

  • Upgraded the Go lang crypto package to remove the issue CVE-2023-48795. This issue does not affect KrakenD, but scanners flag the binary

  • Do not abort the loading of handler plugins when one of them fails

Enterprise Edition v2.4 (released 2023-08-29, updated 2023-10-12)

The v2.4 introduces powerful features such as the Catch All (or No-route, or Fallback), the Advanced Flexible Configuration, response manipulation using templates, improves gRPC, or the conversion of some plugins to native functionality. It also includes all features and fixes of Community 2.4.3. Check out the rest of features.

  • The new Catchall endpoint defines a fallback backend for any non-matching route and method

  • The new Advanced Flexible Configuration adds the $ref keyword, recursivity, behavior file and much more

  • Response body transformation using templates with the modifier/response-body-generator

  • A rewritten rate limit introduces the every component, allowing to set limits per second, minute, or hour.

  • Add a second level of input_headers filtering in the backend section.

  • The DNS SRV can now use protocols other than http through the flag sd_scheme.

  • Added header_mapping to pass headers of gRPC backends as metadata.

  • The JWK aggregator now fetches all keys in parallel and adds the cache attribute to reduce network traffic.

  • The Static Filesystem is now available natively, and the plugin is no longer needed. There is also a new flag directory_listing.

  • Virtualhosts are now available natively and the plugin is no longer needed.

  • Log the name of endpoints that cannot register correctly during startup

  • The krakend check --lint command fetches the schema for its version.

  • The post execution on Lua fixes the error handling.

  • The static filesystem plugin has been deprecated. Upgrade to the native functionality.

  • The virtual host plugin has been deprecated. Upgrade to the native functionality.

  • The Instana integration was deprecated in previous versions and has been removed.

  • The Google Analytics integration was deprecated in previous versions and has been removed.

  • When the license is missing or expired, the Enterprise binary will not try to run in open source mode as there might be security implications, such as not understanding security policies.

  • The flag tls.allow_insecure_connections has been relocated under client_tls.allow_insecure_connections in v2.3, and the old location is no longer supported.

  • The flag prefer_server_cipher_suites is no longer supported. Servers now select the best mutually supported cipher suite automatically based on the logic that considers inferred client hardware, server hardware, and security.

v2.4.2 (released 2023-10-12)

Addresses the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) vulnerability affecting several HTTP/2 server implementations, which are assigned CVE-2023-44487 and CVE-2023-39325, known as Rapid Reset Attack.

v2.4.1 (released 2023-09-13)

This release fixes the buffer size of WebSocket messages.

  • WebSocket messages larger than 4KB were split despite overriding this behavior with max_message_size

  • Corrected the $schema URL when using the --lint flag to point to the correct version

  • Corrected a continuos restart of the :watch Docker container when using the new Advanced Flexible Configuration for the first time

Community Edition v2.4 (released 2023-06-29, updated 2023-10-12)

The v2.4 improves the rate limit usage experience to support non-second time intervals, and offers more granularity option to improve security.

  • A rewritten rate limit introduces the every component, allowing to set limits per second, minute, or hour.

  • Add a second level of input_headers filtering in the backend section.

  • The DNS SRV can now use other protocols than http through flag sd_scheme.

  • Log the name of endpoints that cannot register correctly during startup

  • The krakend check --lint command fetches the schema for its version.

  • The post execution on Lua fixes the error handling.

  • The flag allow_insecure_connections was relocated under client_tls in v2.3 and the old location on tls is no longer supported.

  • The flag prefer_server_cipher_suites is no longer supported. Servers now select the best mutually supported cipher suite automatically based on the logic that considers inferred client hardware, server hardware, and security.

Commit changelog

v2.4.6 (released 2023-10-12)

Addresses the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) vulnerability affecting several HTTP/2 server implementations, which are assigned CVE-2023-44487 and CVE-2023-39325, known as Rapid Reset Attack. Patches 2.4.4 and 2.4.5 are failed builds, and do not count as releases.

v2.4.3 (released 2023-07-27)

This release does not contain any software changes. Instead, it fixes the packaging used in on-premise installations: Azure VM, RPM, and DEB. This change is because patch 2.4.2 upgraded Debian to an unsupported version, and it has been reverted.

    v2.4.2 (released 2023-07-07)

    We have updated our internal libraries to rectify security issues identified in scans. While these issues do not affect KrakenD’s operations, the updated version provides clean container scans. Notably, CVE-2023-29406, related to HTTP/1 client’s Host header validation, does not impact most users due to our zero-trust security, but may affect those utilizing the non-recommended input_headers: ["*"] policy.

    v2.4.1 (released 2023-06-01)

    Fix on the new rate limit component

    • The rate limit did not load because its namespace was internally rewritten using an ancient namespace (KrakenD v1)

    Enterprise Edition v2.3 (released 2023-05-19, updated 2023-07-07)

    The v2.3 includes awaited new features requested by customers, such as gRPC backends without plugins, easier wildcards (simply writing a star *), and the End-to-End testing with JSON Schema contracts. It also includes all features and fixes of Community 2.3.2. Checkout the rest of features.

    • Easier wildcards using the /path/to/* syntax. Plugins are no longer needed!

    • Automatic gRPC backends based on proto files. No plugins are needed anymore.

    • End-to-end testing supports now JSON Schema definitions

    • Added Multiple merge of OpenAPI contracts. Import many contracts in one operation.

    • Added NTLM authentication for Microsoft Dynamics and similar integrations

    • The security policies add now bitwise operations to facilitate mask calculation.

    • The new OpenAPI serve command to start a KrakenD server with the OpenAPI file and no import.

    • The New Relic integration now accepts an additional list of headers to report

    • Added service-to-service authentication flow on Google Cloud

    • Support for legacy API keys that pass keys without a Bearer or Basic indication.

    • Override of API keys strategy and identifier per endpoint.

    • Retries for AMQP consumers and producers with configurable back-off strategies

    • Global caching of JWK URLs, reused between endpoints.

    • KrakenD Designer can now apply changes on a local KrakenD directly from the web.

    • New /__echo/ endpoint, to dump requests from users and test functionality.

    • Added use_h2c (clear text HTTP/2), in addition to the already supported HTTP/2 over TLS

    • Add new TLS settings for the internal HTTP client (client_tls)

    • Add per backend HTTP client settings, including no redirect, TLS, and web proxy

    • The body generator, and the soap integration support now Sprig functions.

    • The underlying Go version has been upgraded to 1.20.4, which includes security fixes to crypto packages.

    • The audit rules add more security recommendations.

    • WebSockets with forced Gzip could panic

    • JMESpath support for json.Number instead of integer

    • HTTP logger plugin panic

    • The router configuration was overwriting defaults for unexisting attributes

    • The prefetch_size flag on AMQP was never implemented, and it has been removed from the configuration

    • The prefetch_count has been removed from AMQP producers as it only makes sense in a consumer scenario

    • The krakend generate openapi command has been renamed to krakend openapi export; please replace its usages.

    • The krakend generate from openapi command has been renamed to krakend openapi import; please replace its usages.

    • The HTTP proxy plugin is deprecated as the functionality is natively supported as an HTTP Client option.

    • The no-redirect plugin is deprecated as the functionality is natively supported as an HTTP Client option.

    • The allow_insecure_connections property at the service level now moves under client_tls > allow_insecure_connections.

    • The Instana integration is deprecated and will be removed in future releases.

    • The Google Analytics integration is deprecated and will be removed in future releases.

    v2.3.3 (released 2023-07-07)

    We have updated our internal libraries to rectify security issues identified in scans. While these issues do not affect KrakenD’s operations, the updated version provides clean container scans. Notably, CVE-2023-29406, related to HTTP/1 client’s Host header validation, does not impact most users due to our zero-trust security, but may affect those utilizing the non-recommended input_headers: ["*"] policy.

    v2.3.2 (released 2023-06-22)

    Small fixes on Redis rate limiter, gRPC, API keys, and Lua

    • Lua: Corrected bug not preventing lists to grow, and added a special type for nil treatment.

    • API Keys: When a user key is valid, but it does not have permissions to use the resource now a 403 is returned instead of the 401

    • gRPC: Fix types of recursive objects

    • Better logging on plugins

    • Redis rate-limit: Fix a corner-case panic during startup

    v2.3.1 (released 2023-06-08)

    Fixes on Redis rate limiter, Alpine security upgrade, body generator, gRPC, and added new helpers in Lua

    • Add list and table helpers to Lua scripts

    • Automatically set content-type application/json for GraphQL backends, no longer needing the client to pass it + fixes in formatting

    • Fix escaped chars during XML rendering

    • Avoid startup panic when using proxy rate limit with capacity 0

    • Bodygenerator: Push Content-Length header with the calculation of a generated body.

    • Redis rate limit: Fix on zero capacity limits

    • gRPC endpoints not filling data with URL parameters and query strings combinations

    • Avoid initial wait for client connection and add retry strategies on WebSockets

    • Upgrade Docker image base to Alpine 3.18

    Community Edition v2.3 (released 2023-04-20, updated 2023-06-01)

    The v2.3 adds more connectivity options with backends and caching and adds the possibility to load changes into a local KrakenD using the Designer (UI) directly.

    • AMQP consumers and producers offer now retries with several backoff strategies.

    • Downloading of JWK URLs now uses global caching (reused between endpoints)

    • KrakenD Designer can now apply changes on a local KrakenD directly from the web.

    • New /__echo/ endpoint, to dump requests from users and test functionality.

    • Added h2c protocol (clear text HTTP/2), in addition to the already supported HTTP/2 over TLS

    • Add new TLS settings for the internal HTTP client (client_tls). The flag allow_insecure_connections moves inside it.

    • The underlying Go version has been upgraded to 1.20.3, which includes security fixes to crypto packages.

    • The audit rules add more security recommendations.

    • The router configuration was overwriting defaults for unexisting attributes

    • The prefetch_size on AMQP flag was never implemented, and it has been removed from the configuration

    • The prefetch_count has been removed from AMQP producers as it only makes sense in a consumer scenario

    • The flag tls.allow_insecure_connections is now marked as deprecated because it has moved to client_tls.allow_insecure_connections. The support under tls will be removed in the next version.

    Commit changelog

    v2.3.3 (released 2023-06-01)

    Fixes on GraphQL, Alpine security upgrade, and added new helpers in Lua

    • Upgrade Lura engine to 2.2.8

    • Add list and table helpers to Lua scripts

    • Automatically set content-type application/json for GraphQL backends, no longer needing the client to pass it + fixes in formatting

    • Fix escaped chars during XML rendering

    • Fix glibc detection on macOS (by @dschanoeh)

    • Avoid startup panic when using proxy rate limit with capacity 0

    • Upgrade Docker image base to Alpine 3.18 to mitigate SSL3 CVE-2023-1255 (by @ksylvan)

    v2.3.2 (released 2023-05-05)

    Fixed plugin builder and corrected edge cases in JWT validation.

    • Custom plugins: Alpine image builder fixed for ARM64

    • JWT: Panic when receiving an invalid number of claims

    • JWT: Remove misleading error log when no global cache is defined

    • JWT: index out of range

    • Upgrade to Go version 1.20.4, which includes security fixes in the packages crypto/subtle, crypto/tls, net/http, and syscall

    v2.3.1 (released 2023-04-26)

    The new TLS Client functionality was not included in the release.

    • The deny attribute did not work on the third nesting level and above.

    • The new client_tls attribute was not yet included.

    Enterprise Edition v2.2 (released 2023-02-27, updated 2023-04-19)

    The v2.2. introduces a new security policies engine, routing based on headers, OpenAPI 3, SOAP integration with custom body generation, everything on Community 2.2.1, and more.

    v2.2.1 (released 2023-04-19)

    Enables backoff strategies for AMQP producers and consumers, and fixes OpenAPI generation issues.

    • AMQP consumers and producers offer now retries with several backoff strategies.

    • Request modifier plugin loader is now hardened and is more strict to prevent human error.

    • Prevent showing 500 status codes when using the body-generator component that receives an empty body

    • OpenAPI includes basic auth information when available for the new component (not the plugin).

    • OpenAPI output is now deterministic. The order of elements of the output is ordered.

    • OpenAPI runtime error when declaring nested JSON schemas

    • Lua exited with semicolon characters

    • Conflicting treatment of floats and integers on JMESpath component

    • The underlying Go version has been upgraded to 1.20.3 which includes security fixes to crypto

    Community Edition v2.2 (released 2023-02-03, updated 2023-04-19)

    It introduces a new security audit command (krakend audit) that parses and analyzes your configurations and outputs security recommendations. We have designed it to run as a standalone command or integrated it into your existing CI/CD pipeline to avoid dangerous configurations, such as unwillingly disabling the TLS, setting excessive timeouts, unprotected endpoints, or similar scenarios.

    • When you were loading multiple plugins, and one of them failed, the gateway did not load the rest. Now the sequence will continue excluding the failing one.

    • Older Docker images raised false positives when performing security scans due to an unused but included library (Thrift server). This library is no longer in the code.

    • The krakend audit command.

    • The Flexible Configuration component upgrades Sprig from v2 to v3. This has changes in the way ^ is handled. Some of the new functions available are fromJson, addf, maxf, mulf, osBase, osDir, osExt, osClean, or osIsAbs. It also documents how to use yaml or toml to write configurations using FC.

    • The Jaeger exporter now supports the UDP protocol to post traces to a Jaeger-agent.

    • The Bot Detector adds the flag empty_user_agent_is_bot to define empty user agent treatment.

    • JWT: Extraction of JSON from paths in JWT claims has been improved

    • JWT is now more restrictive, and fallbacks to returning 401 error codes with incorrect configurations.

    • The JWK URL requests to your identity server include now a KrakenD-specific user agent.

    Commit changelog

    v2.2.1 (released 2023-04-19)

    Fixes a memory leak on Shadow Proxies.

    • Fixed memory leak on Shadow Proxies when the response wasn’t a 200

    • Fixed audit command that would still warn on some fixed issues

    • Upgraded Go to version 1.20.1

    Enterprise Edition v2.1 (released 2022-10-28, updated 2023-01-23)

    KrakenD Enterprise v2.1 brings a lot of new functionality, including advanced manipulation with a JSON Query language, a Revoke Server to manage tokens in clusters, new Kibana and Grafana dashboards, faster encoding, a rewritten and richer NewRelic exporter, Websockets balancing, everything on Community 2.1.2, and much more.

    • The private Amazon or Azure container registries are now publicly hosted under the repository krakend/krakend-ee on Docker Hub

    • New JMESpath Query Language

    • New JWT Revoke Server that pushes revoke instructions to all members in the cluster and maintains consistency between all the nodes, existing or new.

    • The new Service Rate Limit controls the usage of a specific user or all users against all endpoints in the API.

    • The new Response Schema Validator ensures that the backend responses contain at least the structure of your choice, defining the rules with a JSON schema.

    • The new Content Replace is a manipulation plugin that allows you to apply regular expressions to the response.

    • The new fast-json encoding is 140% faster on collections and 30% faster on objects on average tests, compared to the open source edition json decoder.

    • WebSocket servers load balancing

    • New repository Telemetry Dashboards, including Kibana, Grafana, Logstash, and Influx v2

    • The NewRelic exporter has been rewritten from scratch, including now distributed traces and richer content.

    • When you use OpenAPI in combination with JSON Schema, write methods add the validation requirements in the documentation.

    • Multiple OpenAPI exports based on the audience field.

    • Add a response example to OpenAPI exports

    • Added a skip option for the static server to ignore matching sub-paths and route them to KrakenD endpoints

    • Added a no_redirect option to wildcards to let clients follow redirections (e.g: user logins)

    • Added identifier to the API Key authentication to allow custom headers and custom query strings.

    • Added a krakend version command that outputs the KrakenD, Go, and Glibc versions.

    • Added allow_insecure_connections flag to ease development stages that use self-signed certificates.

    • Customizable response body for 404 and 405 errors

    • Added context propagation between Handler plugins and KrakenD Client plugins

    • Added capacity and client_capacity (token bucket size) to router rate limit, previously only on backend rate limit.

    • More logging consistency (Bot detector, Bloom filter, Gologging)

    • Better control of errors when GELF is failing

    • Influx client not initialized during startup randomly (namespace collision being the cause)

    • The check-plugin command could panic when analyzing malformed files.

    • Easier logging to disk or remote server logging via the configurable syslog facility

    • The --accept-eula (or -e) flag is no longer necessary to start KrakenD and should be removed

    • The telemetry/opencensus component for NewRelic will stop working in future versions. Use telemetry/newrelic instead.

    v2.1.2 (released 2023-01-23)

    The patch v2.1.2 updates dependencies that have security vulnerabilities.

    • Add the content-type header when returning errors

    • Upgrade from Go 1.19.3 to Go 1.19.5, which includes security fixes to the net/http, crypto/x509, and os packages, among others.

    • Caching backends with gzipped content wasn’t working properly

    • Upgraded the gin router to avoid panics on certain 404 paths.

    • Improve render selection when negotiating XML content

    • Use a float instead of an integer for API keys rate limiting

    • Add security definitions to OpenAPI generation

    v2.1.1 (released 2022-11-24)

    The patch v2.1.1 fixes logging on the wildcard and a race condition on OpenAPI generation.

    • Fix OpenAPI race condition

    • Fix wildcard plugin logger messages

    Community Edition v2.1 (released 2022-09-30, updated 2023-01-12)

    KrakenD 2.1 brings a new ready-to-use Kibana dashboard, an updated Grafana Dashboard for InfluxDB v2 and more features and bugfixes

    • New repository Telemetry Dashboards, including Kibana, Grafana, Logstash, and Influx v2

    • Added a krakend version command that outputs the KrakenD, Go, and Glibc versions.

    • Added allow_insecure_connections flag to ease development stages that use self-signed certificates.

    • Customizable response body for 404 and 405 errors

    • Added context propagation between Handler plugins and KrakenD Client plugins

    • Added capacity and client_capacity (token bucket size) to router rate limit, previously only on backend rate limit.

    • Added capacity and client_capacity (token bucket size) to router rate limit, previously only on backend rate limit.

    • Easier logging to disk or remote server logging via the configurable syslog facility

    • More logging consistency (Bot detector, Bloom filter, Gologging)

    • Better control of errors when GELF is failing

    • Influx client not initialized during startup randomly (namespace collision being the cause)

    • The check-plugin command could panic when analyzing malformed files.

    Commit changelog

    v2.1.4 (released 2023-01-12)

    Corrects a bug when caching Gzipped content and adds the Content-Type header when returning errors.

    • Add the Content-Type header when returning errors

    • Upgrade from Go 1.19.3 to Go 1.19.5, which includes security fixes to the net/http, crypto/x509, and os packages, among others.

    • Caching backends with gzipped content wasn’t working properly

    • Upgraded the router to avoid panic on certain 404 paths.

    • Improve render selection when negotiating XML content

    v2.1.3 (released 2022-11-18)

    ARM64 support, and obfuscate the KrakenD version header.

    • Now officially supporting ARM64 architectures, releasing new Docker containers and packages.

    • Performance improvement on Lambda usage

    • A new flag, hide_version_header, placed in the router settings, allows obfuscating the X-Krakend-Version header.

    • JSON Schema: Return a 400 status code when the body is empty or a malformed JSON (thanks to @efcasado)

    • Reject requests with special chars in the params

    v2.1.2 (released 2022-10-24)

    Corrects a bug with parameters sent to the backend

    • Some requests sent to backend didn’t have the parameters replaced from the client URL

    v2.1.1 (released 2022-10-21)

    Adds a Docker image to build plugins and fixes issues with the JOSE and Lua packages.

    • Bot Detector: Avoid aborting with an error

    • Influx: Logs normalized for better consistency

    • JOSE: Use a sempahore to orchestrate the concurrent warm up of the JWK caches

    • Lambda: Upgrade the AWS SDK version used (by @boris154)

    • The krakend check command did not accept configurations with zero number of endpoints.

    • JOSE: The SecretProvider didn’t receive the provided CacheDuration (by @mguay22)

    • JSON Schema: Validate schema definitions and reuse schema (by @moritzploss)

    • Lua: Error messages couldn’t contain the : character.

    • Martian: Replace the header.Id modifier with a working custom implementation.

    Enterprise Edition v2.0 (released 2022-05-04)

    KrakenD Enterprise 2.0 is a major rework and needs migration. API Analytics, IP Filtering, GraphQL, OpenAPI importers and exporters, integration tests, specific request/modifier plugins, Async Agents, backend response logging (dumper) and improves the existing WebSockets, API Keys, configuration syntax, New Relic reporting, logging, and router to put a few examples. It also includes everything on Community 2.0.4.

    • The new Google Analytics integration allows you to generate API Analytics from your API activity

    • The new IP filtering plugin allows you to restrict the traffic to your API gateway by CIDR

    • REST to GraphQL conversion, or direct consumption of GraphQL through the gateway

    • Generate a KrakenD configuration from an OpenAPI spec file

    • A new command krakend e2e allows you to execute integration tests

    • Backend response logging

    • New plugin types (request/response)

    • Plenty of new configurable router flags

    • The krakend check adds verbosity level

    • A new command krakend check-plugin for quicker development of custom plugins

    • Shortened configuration namespaces.

    • NewRelic reporting

    • Async agents

    • Better logging, with more context

    • Alpine-based Docker image

    Community Edition v2.0 (released 2022-03-07, updated 2022-08-23)

    KrakenD 2.0 is the new major version of KrakenD bringing a lot of improvements to the API Gateway. GraphQL, specific request/modifier plugins, async agents, easier configuration, better logging, and a more flexible router to put a few examples.

    • REST to GraphQL conversion, or direct consumption of GraphQL through the gateway

    • Backend response logging

    • New plugin types (request/response)

    • Plenty of new configurable router flags

    • The krakend check adds verbosity level

    • A new command krakend check-plugin for quicker development of custom plugins

    • Shortened configuration namespaces.

    • Async agents

    • Better logging, with more context

    • Alpine-based Docker image

    • To upgrade the configuration from v0.x or v1.x see the legacy migration tool

    v2.0.6 (released 2022-08-23)

    Adds a flag -f to the check-plugin to help developers fix their custom plugins.

    • Add -f flag to check-plugin command to output recommended go get commands after analyzing the go.mod of the custom plugin.

    • Caching backends with gzipped content wasn’t working properly

    • Fix version comparison using semantic versioning.

    v2.0.5 (released 2022-06-15)

    Pending renames of organizations to krakendio

    • Organization rename from devopsfaith to krakendio

    • Upgrade Lura dependencies to 2.0.5

    v2.0.4 (released 2022-05-03)

    Fixes two bugs in the JOSE component and the new response modifier plugins.

    • Corrected long integers during claim extraction (krakend-jose)

    • Deprecate Metadata() and instead use Header() and StatusCode() for response modifier plugins

    v2.0.3 (released 2022-04-28)

    Security fix in the crypto/elliptic package.

    • Corrected response modifier interface to create req/resp plugins

    • Updated the ASCII logo on command line :)

    • Upgrade Go lang version to 1.17.9. Includes security fixes to the crypto/elliptic and encoding/pem packages

    v2.0.2 (released 2022-04-22)

    Minor fixes and optimizations on several components

    • Add nmap scans on Makefile

    • Dependencies updated

    • Enabled DeepSource code scans

    • Jose: Fix integer claim formatting

    • Jose: use a mirror of go-auth0

    • Ratelimit config must use snake_case keys instead of camelCase

    • Other minor fixes and optimizations in Flatmap, Lua, Cobra, and AMQP components

    v2.0.1 (released 2022-04-01)

    Removes old syntax from rate limit.

    • Ratelimit using previous version syntax

    • Fixed AMQP logging

    Community Edition v1.4 (released 2021-06-10, updated 2021-06-12)

    KrakenD 1.4 is the last version of the 1.x family and primarily replaces the KrakenD Framework with the Lura Project and includes minor bug fixing and an extended flexible configuration. The next release with the new functionality will be 2.0.

    • All dependencies for the framework moved to Lura

    • The json-collection output encoding allows returning collections directly

    • Added Sprig functions to Flexible Configuration

    • Allow the propagation of nested claims using dot notation (JWT)

    • Add the del method to Lua

    Commit changelog

    v1.4.1 (released 2021-06-12)

    Removes old syntax from rate limit.

    • Call to the opencensus HTTPExecutorFactory so it receives the backend configurations. Updated deps to use latest opencensus and lura version to include other bugfixes in the Lura framework.

    • Fix corner cases where the http cache could be ignored

    Enterprise Edition v1.3 (released 2021-05-21)

    First commercial version of KrakenD Enterprise. Includes everything in the Community v1.3 and adds generator commands for OpenAPI, Postman, and rendering PNG files with the configuration. It also adds support for wildcard routes.

    • New generate postman command

    • New generate openapi command

    • New generate config2dot command

    • Support for wildcard routes

    • Multiple identity providers

    • Integration of secret providers

    Community Edition v1.3 (released 2021-02-24)

    KrakenD 1.3.0 makes focus on completing the RBAC system regarding JWT.

    • Scopes validation (thanks to @chrisdennig)

    • Extract and forward claims as headers (thanks to @chrisdennig)

    • Support for Oracle Identity Cloud Service by allowing key identifers other than kid such as x5t or kid_x5t (contribution from Oracle)

    • Allow loading of local JWK files

    • Integration with secret providers such as, Amazon KMS, Azure’s Key Vault, Google Cloud KMS, Hashicorp’s Vault, Encrypted or plain base64 file

    • Expose router request host to Lua virtual machine (thanks to Marc Ruiz from Stayforlong)

    • Add X-Forwarded-Host header (thanks to Marc Ruiz from Stayforlong)

    • Allow the extraction of client IP from custom headers

    • Add debugging information to CORS component

    • The Etcd component is no longer loaded in KrakenD-CE (but the repository is available for custom integrations)

    • The WASM-based emulator in KrakenDesigner has been removed.

    Commit changelog

    Community Edition v1.2 (released 2020-10-05)

    KrakenD 1.2.0 adds a health endpoint, array manipulation, safejson encoding, Datadog integration, JWT claims as url parameters, and many other features and bugfixes.

    • Added a /__health endpoint

    • Removed the wording whitelist and blacklist from all our products (#BlackLivesMatter)

    • Datadog integration

    • Array manipulation available after merging multiple backends

    • All KRAKEND_-like environment vars to override configuration

    • A lot of small features and bugfixes

    • Flatmap (array manipulation) now also at endpoint level

    • Removed wording with racist connotations whitelist and blacklist. Now using allow and deny instead.

    • Upgrade go to 1.15.

    • support for the append operation added

    • Added a new supported encoding safejson

    • support for nested targets added

    • Client plugin example fixed

    • Do not copy nil readers on no-op

    • Nested sequential params

    • Clone also the request body in the CloneRequest method

    • The /__debug/ endpoint accepts now any method

    • Use the weight of the SRV record to generate the list of hosts when resolving a service name

    • Decompress gzipped responses before parsing them

    • Added a /__health endpoint

    • Ability to use collections in sequential proxy as input (collection filters)

    • Support using JWT claims as backend url params

    • Mutual TLS between KrakenD and clients added

    • Check that headers aren’t nil on Lua scripts

    • Pub/sub module ignores empty hosts

    • Lua scripts can now send custom errors

    • The RunServer can be injected into the executor builder

    • Integration test for CORS with auto-redirects added

    • CORS mw for gin removed and added as a RunServer wrapper so it’s always executed

    • Support for namespaced custom claims added

    • Added more integration tests

    • Bad request status code added on JSON Schema validation

    • Configuration can be overriden with KRAKEND_-like environment vars

    • Integration with Datadog

    • Add ca-certificates as dependency on debian

    • Allow “sequential proxy” to work with a POST, PUT and DELETE if there are only GET methods before (thanks to Alphyron)

    • Updated CEL engine with more features

    • Added a label name to circuit breakers to identify activity from different circuits in the logs and traces.

    • XML encoder supports now ISO-8859-1 encoding (in addition to UTF8)

    Commit changelog

    Community Edition v1.1 (released 2020-04-02)

    KrakenD 1.1.0 adds Kafka integration, an extended Docker image, telemetry for Azure Monitor and performance improvements.

    • Corrected a bug in the httpsecure module.

    • Lambda context as base64 json-encoded context

    • Lua request and response helpers

    • Upgraded to Go 1.14

    • Optimization of the rate-limit module

    • Optimization of the load-balancer

    • Added Opencensus exporter to send metrics to Azure

    • Added Apache Kafka integration

    • FIFO HTTP handler plugin loader (adding more than one HTTP handler plugin to the gateway)

    • Add metrics for Go and process to Prometheus exporter (Thanks to Lucas Bremgartner)

    • Docker image supporting plugins (Thanks to Alexandr Hacicheant)

    Commit changelog

    Community Edition v1.0 (released 2019-09-21)

    In November 2016, we released KrakenD framework to the public. After three years serving traffic around the world, and a lot of lessons learned on the way, KrakenD 1.0 is out 🎉🎉🎉

    • dedicated plugin loader function added

    • return all headers from proxy response

    • botdetector module added

    • pass the gelf writer to the gin logger

    • lua module

    • support for handler plugins added

    • support for http request executor plugins added

    • krakend-lambda module added

    • pubsub module added

    • forward the user-agent header

    • opencensus upgraded to 0.21.0

    • send the XML response without a final line break

    • alpine version upgraded

    • integration tests extended

    • xml render improved

    • upgrade to 1.13.1

    • moving from dep to go mod

    Commit changelog

    Community Edition v0.9 (released 2019-04-07)

    Integration with AMQP, traffic shadowing, and flatmaps!

    • AMQP client (producer and consumer)

    • Shadow proxy factory added to the proxy factory stack

    • CEL: upgraded to 0.2.0

    • Flexibleconfig: accept partial templates

    • martian: status package included

    • ratelimit: cleanup unused limiters after some TTL

    • cobra: krakend check exits with a non zero status code when the configuration fails

    • usage: timeout added to every request

    • Flexibleconfig: fix ‘invalid cross-device link’

    Commit changelog

    Community Edition v0.8 (released 2019-03-08)

    New validation module (CEL), wildcard option to forward all query strings and headers to the backend.

    • Updated to Go 1.12

    • Logging GELF formatter,

    • Logstash logger integration

    • Added logging to the circuit breaker to warn every time the circuit is opened/closed

    • Metrics log removed

    • Forbidden and unauthorized responses

    • New CEL module (JWT, request and response)

    • Client headers are now case insensitive

    • Added a wildcard option to forward all query strings and headers to the backend

    • Possibility to include error details into the response

    • Etcd client updated to 3.3

    • Influx client updated

    • Reuse OAuth2 client sessions

    • JWK client supports local CA

    • Chained token rejecters

    Commit changelog

    Community Edition v0.7 (released 2018-11-08)

    Integration with Graylog Clusters, schema validation and metrics exporter to Stack Driver.

    • Support for sending structured events in GELF format (Graylog Cluster)

    • Added a json schema validator to valid endpoint inputs before reaching the backends

    • Added the sequential proxy merger (Use input from a previous backend response)

    • Added StackDriver as a new backend for metrics and traces

    • Added a usage stats report (can be disabled passing env var USAGE_DISABLE=1 when starting)

    Commit changelog

    Community Edition v0.6 (released 2018-09-07, updated 2018-10-04)

    Adds the JOSE component that validates and signs JWT tokens, and a bloomfilter to facilitated decentralized revoke.

    • Added JOSE component. Validation and signing of JWT tokens

    • Added the Bloomfilter component to facilitate decentralized revoke of tokens at a massive rate.

    • Added the Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) component

    • Golang updated to 1.10.3

    • Updated Opencensus component, adding an exporter to AWS XRay

    Commit changelog

    v0.6.1 (released 2018-10-04)

    Upgrade to Go 1.11 and Hombrebew release with Go 1.11

    • Updated to Go 1.11

    • Specific Mac OSX changes to release homebrew with Go 1.11.

    • HTTP secure component updated

    • Updated bloomfilter to 0.6.1

    Community Edition v0.5 (released 2018-06-08, updated 2018-06-16)

    This release focuses heavily on metrics and its export options to different backend systems such as Zipkin, InfluxDB, Prometheus or Jaeger. It also adds the NoOp logger and exposes all the advanced settings of the http client and server, giving all the power to the user.

    • Updated golang version to 1.10.2.

    • Fully configurable custom metrics module. Also with influxdb exporter

    • Support for flexible configuration in the krakend.json

    • Opencensus integration (with 5 exporters: Zipkin, Prometheus, Jaeger, InfluxDB, Logger)

    • Added more output decoders in addition to JSON

    • Enabled advanced HTTP Client settings

    • Custom combiners for merging the backend responses.

    • Added static responses behavior to several strategies

    Commit changelog

    v0.5.1 (released 2018-06-16)

    Fix an error on OpenCensus

    • OpenCensus returned an error if the exporter wasn’t defined

    Community Edition v0.4 (released 2018-01-20, updated 2018-03-08)

    Open sourcing all the 1st-year enterprise components!

    • KrakenD 0.4 core with the gin router

    • Circuit breaker

    • Rate limit

    • Oauth2 client

    • Service, router, proxy and backend metrics

    • Security router

    • Google’s Martian library integration (Injections via DSL)

    • JSON, RSS and XML encoding

    • Logging

    • Service discovery integrations: etcd, DNS SRV

    • Cobra prowered CLI

    v0.4.2 (released 2018-03-08)

    Fix an error on OpenCensus

    • Request headers should be copied

    v0.4.1 (released 2018-03-02)

    Add HTTP cache!

    • Recursive whitelist definition

    • Editable list of headers to pass to the backend

    • Added in-memory http cache

    • Logger initialization bug fixed

    • Update of components version

    Enterprise Edition v0.3 (released 2017-09-08)

    Add service discovery through etcd

    • Added etcd service discovery

    • Improved support for custom transport layers for the backend communication

    • More data collected from the backend responses

    • Support for Go 1.9

    • Gin router update

    Enterprise Edition v0.2 (released 2017-05-26)

    Add service discovery through DNS SRV and decoding of RSS responses.

    • DNS SRV Service Discovery

    • Accept collections in the backend responses (as opposed to objects)

    • RSS decoder added

    Enterprise Edition v0.1 (released 2017-01-29)

    First version of the functional gateway.

    • Process endpoints with Gin router

    • Fully functional gateway with aggregation of multiple backends

    Community Edition v0.0 (released 2016-11-04)

    Initial commit of KrakenD Framework open-source libraries. No ready-to-use gateway yet.

      Stay up to date with KrakenD releases and important updates