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KrakenD Enterprise 2.3.1 (bugfixing) released

by Albert Lombarte

The new KrakenD Enterprise version 2.3.1 is already available for install or upgrade. This patch version fixes a few corner cases of several components that could not work properly in edge scenarios. It also adds two small new Lua functions for working with tables and lists.

🚀 Summary of changes for EEv2.3

Fixes on Redis rate limiter, Alpine security upgrade, body generator, gRPC, and added new helpers in Lua

  • Add list and table helpers to Lua scripts
  • Automatically set content-type application/json for GraphQL backends, no longer needing the client to pass it + fixes in formatting
  • Fix escaped chars during XML rendering
  • Avoid startup panic when using proxy rate limit with capacity 0
  • Bodygenerator: Push Content-Length header with the calculation of a generated body.
  • Redis rate limit: Fix on zero capacity limits
  • gRPC endpoints not filling data with URL parameters and query strings combinations
  • Avoid initial wait for client connection and add retry strategies on WebSockets
  • Upgrade Docker image base to Alpine 3.18

Upgrading to the latest version is always advised.

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