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KrakenD CE v2.4 released!

by Albert Lombarte

The KrakenD team is pleased to announce the release of KrakenD Community Edition v2.4, which improves configuration granularity, and a more user-friendly rate limit.

You can get v2.4 packaged for several options from the download page.

🚀 Summary of changes for CEv2.4

The v2.4 improves the rate limit usage experience to support non-second time intervals, and offers more granularity option to improve security.

  • A rewritten rate limit introduces the every component, allowing to set limits per second, minute, or hour.
  • Add a second level of input_headers filtering in the backend section.
  • The DNS SRV can now use other protocols than http through flag sd_scheme.
  • Log the name of endpoints that cannot register correctly during startup
  • The krakend check --lint command fetches the schema for its version.
  • The post execution on Lua fixes the error handling.
  • The flag allow_insecure_connections was relocated under client_tls in v2.3 and the old location on tls is no longer supported.
  • The flag prefer_server_cipher_suites is no longer supported. Servers now select the best mutually supported cipher suite automatically based on the logic that considers inferred client hardware, server hardware, and security.

Upgrading to the latest version is always advised.

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