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KrakenD CE v2.3 released!

by Albert Lombarte

The KrakenD team is pleased to announce the release of KrakenD Community Edition v2.3, which improves connectivity with backends, caching, and adds the possibility to play with KrakenD using the web Designer directly.

You can get v2.3 packaged for several options from the download page.

🚀 Summary of changes for CEv2.3

The v2.3 adds more connectivity options with backends and caching and adds the possibility to load changes into a local KrakenD using the Designer (UI) directly.

  • AMQP consumers and producers offer now retries with several backoff strategies.
  • Downloading of JWK URLs now uses global caching (reused between endpoints)
  • KrakenD Designer can now apply changes on a local KrakenD directly from the web.
  • New /__echo/ endpoint, to dump requests from users and test functionality.
  • Added h2c protocol (clear text HTTP/2), in addition to the already supported HTTP/2 over TLS
  • Add new TLS settings for the internal HTTP client (client_tls). The flag allow_insecure_connections moves inside it.
  • The underlying Go version has been upgraded to 1.20.3, which includes security fixes to crypto packages.
  • The audit rules add more security recommendations.
  • The router configuration was overwriting defaults for unexisting attributes
  • The prefetch_size on AMQP flag was never implemented, and it has been removed from the configuration
  • The prefetch_count has been removed from AMQP producers as it only makes sense in a consumer scenario
  • The flag tls.allow_insecure_connections is now marked as deprecated because it has moved to client_tls.allow_insecure_connections. The support under tls will be removed in the next version.

Upgrading to the latest version is always advised.

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